Nuer Religion

By Edward E. Evans-Pritchard.

Nuer Religion


Nuer, a cattle-herding people dwelling in the swamps and savannah of the southern A nglo-E gyptian Sudan: The Nuer. AD escription of theM odes of Livelihood and Political Institutions of aN ilotic People was published in 1940 and Kinship and Marriage among theN uer in 1951. The present volume, Nuer Religion, completes a study of theN uer which began in 1930. Accounts of religion in writings on theN uer are generally meagre and superficial. The only detailed treatment is in Father J. P. Crazzolara sZ ur Gesellschaft und Religion derN ueer (1953), much of which appeared earlier in volume viii...


0198740034, 9780198740032


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