SFK - Sprache fördern im Kindergarten (de)

J. ( Melzer )
J. ( Rißling )
Petermann ( F. )
Publication Year
Hogrefe, Germany 
The "Sprach fördern im Kindergarten" (SFK) program provides comprehensive support for language skills in children between the ages of three and six, both with and without special language support needs. The SFK is used in kindergartens, daycare centers and (social) pediatric centers. It can be conducted in small groups of approximately 6 to 10 children or with the entire kindergarten group. It is recommended to carry out the program with a linguistically heterogeneous group. However, application in special needs groups is also possible. 
The child-friendly program contains seven development modules with a total of 35 development units: (1) Introduction, (2) Auditory Memory, Phonetics/Phonology, (3) Basic Vocabulary, (4) Semantic Relations, (5) Grammar, (6) Emotions, Empathy & Pragmatics, and (7) Conclusion. Both receptive and expressive support units are available for each module. Child-friendly methods are used, such as picture cards, exercises and conversations in a sitting circle, movement games, board games and role-playing games. For flexible application in everyday kindergarten life, a choice can be made between basic elements and more in-depth units, depending on the age and needs of the children.

The training program can be carried out curricularly, i.e. all modules and units are completed in the order described in the manual. However, it can also be used flexibly according to the tool approach. In this case, it serves as a toolbox from which different units can be selected depending on the support requirements. In the case of curricular implementation, practice should take place as regularly as possible twice a week in a fixed group. When used flexibly, the group size and the time between the units can vary. The SFK is scientifically based. Its effectiveness was proven in a study on 132 children.

Lobo, the little dragon, is the guiding figure through all the training sessions. Ideally, a hand puppet is used in the training for Lobo, but this is not included in the scope of delivery of the support program. Either a cuddly toy (dragon) already present in the kindergarten can be used as a hand puppet. Users can also purchase a "Lobo Hand Puppet Dragon" from the test center (item number: 97 002 57). In addition, it is also possible to run the program without a hand puppet. 
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