BPM - Bonner Postkorb-Module (de)

J. ( Musch )
B. ( Rahn )
W. ( Lieberei )
Publication Year
Hogrefe, Germany 
Job-related aptitude diagnostics in the context of personnel selection, recruitment, personnel development, training, career counseling or research. The target group of BPM are employees or management or management trainees from the age of 19. 
The Bonn Mail Basket Modules (BPM) are composed of the two mail baskets "CaterTrans" and "Chronos" in the 2nd edition. They are situational work samples in an operational context. Both mail baskets are available as paper-pencil procedures (including an oral presentation of results) and were constructed according to the same principles. They each capture the competencies of problem-solving behavior, analytical behavior, organizational and planning behavior, and decision-making behavior of the candidates. The included written items were redesigned to be e-mails for the 2nd edition of the BPM in a content-neutral manner. Furthermore, separate test booklets are now available for male and female agents, which differ in terms of addressing them as Mr. and Mrs., respectively. The manual, which is valid for both mail basket modules, has been expanded to include more recent validation studies and literature references and supplemented with a comprehensive set of tables.

The candidates have to process various e-mails (messages, memos, minutes, notes, etc.) of different origin, in which problems typical for the everyday work of a manager (team or department management level) are addressed. The two mail baskets are integrated into different professional contexts in a realistic and practical way: For example, the "CaterTrans" mail basket deals with the services of a company active in the field of airline catering; the "Chronos" mail basket simulates personnel management in a temporary employment agency.

The candidate has to process the information available in the given time, depending on the mail basket exercise, initiate suitable measures, make necessary decisions and coordinate deadlines in a meaningful way. An introductory instruction including a characterization of the most important employees, an organizational chart and an appointment calendar are available to the processor for processing and as an aid. Separate note sheets provide the processor with space for notes and comments for each piece of writing. Specialized knowledge is not required for editing. The evaluation keys assigned to each mailbox enable standardized scoring and evaluation on the overall scale "Complex Problem Solving Behavior" as well as the subscales "Analytical Behavior", "Organizational and Planning Behavior" and "Decision Making Behavior". 
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