FREDI-Screening - Frühkindliche Entwicklungsdiagnostik für Kinder von 1-3 Jahren - Screening (de)
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Hogrefe, Germany
The FREDI screening is used for the early detection of developmental risks in children aged 1 year to 3 years (12;00 to 35;30 months). The screening procedure is used in pediatric practices, social pediatric centers as well as in early intervention and educational counseling centers.
The procedure enables the early identification of potential developmental hazards before they can become full-blown developmental disorders. The FREDI screening can be used to assess motor, language, cognitive and social-emotional skills of young children in four different age groups (12;00-17;30 months, 18;00-23;30 months, 24;00-29;30 months, 30;00-35;30 months). Tailored protocol sheets and parent questionnaires are available for implementation for each of the four age groups. The protocol questionnaires are intended for the test administrator and contain the implementation instructions. The parent questionnaires are completed by the parents. These questionnaires ask about skills that cannot be assessed in the test situation alone. By using materials that are appealing to children and clear test instructions, the test users are able to design the test situation in a playful and well-structured way. The FREDI screening is based on the detailed general development test FREDI 0-3 (Mähler, Cartschau & Rohleder, 2016) and is an abbreviated form of this procedure. All materials of the FREDI screening (except protocol sheets and parent questionnaires) are included in FREDI 0-3 and FREDI 2-3. Users who already use FREDI 0-3 or FREDI 2-3 therefore only need the manual and the protocol sheets and parent questionnaires to carry out the FREDI screening.
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Main | 960 |
30008970 |
1 | Yes |