SPIKAS-AC - Spiel zur Beobachtung von Kooperation, Analytik und Strategie im Assessment Center (de)

C. ( Warneke )
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Publication Year
Hogrefe, Germany 
SPIKAS-AC is used for aptitude testing of social and cognitive skills in the assessment center. The focus is on the observation and assessment of strategic and analytical thinking skills as well as the ability to cooperate in a team. Time, space and personnel requirements of SPIKAS-AC are similar to those of other AC exercises. An embedding into existing assessment centers is therefore efficiently possible. Typical fields of application are vocational aptitude diagnostics, external and internal personnel/managerial selection, personnel development (e.g. development centers) and, if applicable, vocational/career counseling, professional (re)integration as well as psychological research. The recommended minimum number of participants is 6-8. 
SPIKAS-AC is a playful group exercise that simulates a complex, dynamic environment for the participants. The participants of the exercise compete in teams of 2 over several time-limited rounds under trained observation. The cognitive skills become apparent to the trained observer on the basis of the board game-like simulation, while the social skills become apparent to the trained observer by observing the interaction of the participants in their team. The observers document their impressions on an observation sheet. To evaluate the exercise, the arithmetic mean of the eight scales of the observation sheet is calculated for each participant. In addition, the results can be summarized into the superordinate scales "Analytical and strategic thinking", "Cooperation" and "Overall play". 
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